[LIVE] TTD Tirumala Live Darshan Crowd Status Today Waiting Time

If you are going to TTD Tirupati Temple Today then Check details of Crowd Status, Darshan Time Taken for Free Darshan, Token based Free Tickets, Divya Darshan (Come by Walk using Alipiri and Srivari Metu), VIP Break Darshan here at DaataCenter Website. Crowd Status and Darshan Timings will be updated daily at 6 a.m. Also Check Free Darshan Timings in Tirumala and Live Status of Tirumala Darshan by Walk Today below.

♦ Pilgrims Visited TTD Today – 80,139

♦ Amount Got Through Hundi Today – Rs.3.97 Crore

♦ Waiting Compartments – 18

♦ Pilgrims Who done Tonsures Today in TTD – 39,849

“Number of Pilgrims Who had Darshan at Tirumala TTD Temple on 26th July is 81,139”
→ From August 14,2023 Pilgrims Aged Under 15 are not allowed to visit Tirupati by Steps.
→ Only from 6am to 6pm Bike Riders are allowed to go Tirumala from Tirupati.

Tirumala Darshan Waiting Time Today – July 27, 2024

TTD Live Update – Waiting Time and Crowd Status
Crowd Status Today Heavy
Free Darshan Timings in Tirumala Today [Without Slot Ticket] 20 to 24 Hours
Free Darshan Timings in Tirumala Today [With Slot Ticket] 8 to 10 Hours
Tirumala TTD Divya Darshan Waiting Time Today 4 to 6 Hours
Tirumala 300 Darshan Time Today 1 to 3 Hours
VIP Break Darshan 30 min to 1 Hour

Darshan Timings in Tirumala Temple for Free Tickets Slot is 12 to 14 Hours

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How much time will take for Tirumala Darshan Today?

Time Taken to Complete a Darshan Today at TTD is 20 to 24 Hours for Free Ticket and 1 to 3 Hours for Rs.300 Break Darshan.

Which day crowd will be less in Tirupati?

Usually Crowd in Tirupati will be less on Tuesday and Wednesday compared to other days.

What is the average time for 300 RS ticket in Tirumala?

It takes minimum 1 hours to maximum 3 hours for Pilgrims who comes with Rs.300 Ticket in Tirumala.

Is Tirumala crowded today?

Yes, Crowd is High today. So plan the trip as per your convenience.

Can we directly go to Tirupati without booking?

Yes, You can visit TTD without booking but it will take hardly 8 hours to 12 hours to done Darshan.

Can I Visit Tirumala Temple Every Week?

No, Piligrims should take darshan in Tirumala at minimum time period of 30 days only. You can’t Visit Temple Every Week.

How Many Laddu i can buy in Tirumala?

One Ticket One Laddu Free. For Other Laddu’s You should pay 50rs each, You can buy 10 laddu also based on crowd. If the Crowd is high laddu shortage will happen so TTD will give only maximum 2 or 4 laddu for each.

How much time will take for Tirumala Divya Darshan today?

As on Today, Time Taken for Divya Darshan Piligrims is around 8 to 10 hours.

Is Divya Darshan allowed in Tirumala now?

Yes it is allowed daily now but only 10000 tickets will be provided daily at alipiri mettu and sri vari metu way.

Cost for Divya Darshan in Tirumala?

It is completely Free for Divya Darshan Ticket only thing is you should reach Tirumala from Tirupati using Alipiri Mettu and Sri Vari Mettu.

Best Time to Visit Tirumala Temple Daily?

If you are planning for Tirumala Trip then you should know what time will best, As per analysis we done best time to visit tirumala is early morning 4 to 5am because you will get slot tickets at 6am only for free sarva darshan and also early morning foot path piligrims will get slot ticket for divya darshan easily. “So, Best Time to Visit TTD Temple is Early Morning”.

Can i Wear Jeans or Shorts and take Darshan in Tirumala?

No, Everyone should wear proper dress while taking Darshan at TTD. Use Vesti, kurta-pajama.

12 thoughts on “[LIVE] TTD Tirumala Live Darshan Crowd Status Today Waiting Time”
  1. Why Free darshan takes 13 to 14 hours ,we have facing more problem and devotes are suffrering more please make easy way to get darshan ,and 300rs and vip its making fast darshan in 1 to 2 hours why this ……..

    1. Yes, By certain time slot is there for child who is willing to walk, best time is reach morning time so that you will get SSD ticket for your family also.

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